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Office Origami: Making the Most of Tools & Technologies

Office Origami, Ep. 5: Microsoft Forms: In this episode, Tim and Kevin explore how to use survey and quiz tools in Office 365.

Office Origami: Making the Most of Tools & Technologies

Office Origami, Ep. 2: Keeping Track of What You Need to Do: In this episode, Tim and Kevin explore Microsoft Outlook and Teams features that may help you get things done — or, at a minimum, keep track of all the things you are hoping to get done.

Office Origami: Making the Most of Tools & Technologies

Office Origami, Ep. 1: In this new video series, Tim Banting, a digital workplace analyst with Omdia, and Kevin Kieller, a co-founder of consulting firm enableUC, provide tips and tricks for transforming the use of collaboration tools and technologies. In this episode, Tim & Kevin explain how to automatically create space between meetings, in order to avoid the "back-to-back-to-back" meeting syndrome that is contributing to video and meeting fatigue. And we also show you how to quickly create a contact, task, or appointment directly from an email.